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Friday, April 29, 2022
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto
Room FC3-1.20
Day 1​ - Friday, April 29, 2022
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto

16h00 - 16h30: Opening Ceremony and general presentation of the project done by the Project Coordinator;

16h30 - 17h30: Session C1: Video presentations of the project's activities developed by each school involved in the project (Portugal; Spain; Italy);

17h30 - 17h50: Coffee break;

17h50 - 19h10: Session C1: Video presentations of the project's activities developed by each school involved in the project (Romania; Turkey; Greece; Latvia);

19h10 - 19h30: Presentation of Open Educational Resources done in the project by UPORTO team;

19h30 - 19h45: Closing Ceremony of the first day of the event.


Day 2 - Saturday, April 30, 2022
Faculty of Sciences of the University of PortoRoom FC3-1.20

14h30 - 14h45: Opening Ceremony of day 2 by the local coordinator of UPORTO;

14h45 - 16h00: Session C2: Oral presentations of practical activities by participants of the project;

16h00 - 16h15: Coffee break;

16h15 - 17h45: Session C3: Oral presentations of practical activities by participants of the project;

17h45 - 18h15: Workshop 1: Teaching Astronomy with Ozobots - Mariana Balaton (INED);

18h15 - 18h45: Workshop 2: Algodoo - an alternative to interactive virtual labs - Petronia Moraru (Colegiul Tehnic Edmond Nicolau);

18h45 - 19h00: Closing Ceremony by the Project Coordinator.

The agenda can be changed without notice.

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